Brigadier General John T. Hughes

Brigadier John T. Hughes Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp #614

This website, its format, and all contents herein, are the sole and exclusive property of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and the Brigadier General John T. Hughes Camp 614 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, an international heritage organization established in 1896 that preserves, and vindicates, the cause for which all soldiers of the Confederate States of America Armed Forces fought regardless of the Confederate soldier's race, national origin, sex, creed, or religion as the Sons of Confederate Veterans is a nonpolitical, nonracial, nonprofit I.R.S. 501c3 corporation and the misuse, or defamation, of the Sons of Confederate Veterans logo(s), the Brigadier General John T. Hughes Camp 614 logo(s), or any part or parts thereof, is strictly forbidden as the use of said logos are expressly, and exclusively, reserved for those members in good standing of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and that any infringement by copying, modifying, altering, or defacing said logos, or any part or parts of said logos by nonmembers, those in not of good standing, or by those who would advocate the slander and defamation of members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans corporate organizations, is deemed to be a direct violation of Trademark as per the Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006 (H.R. 683).

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